Presentadora / Presenter

Leilani Farha - Directora global - The Shift
Leilani es la directora global de The Shift y ex relatora especial de la ONU sobre el derecho a la vivienda. El trabajo de Leilani está fundamentado en el principio de que la vivienda es un bien social, no una mercancía. Leilani ha ayudado a desarrollar estándares globales de derechos humanos sobre el
derecho a la vivienda. Entre ellos se incluyen, sus informes de actualidad sobre la falta de vivienda, la financiarización de la vivienda, asentamientos informales, estrategias de vivienda basadas en derechos y las primeras Directrices de la ONU para la implementación del derecho a la vivienda.
También es el personaje central del documental PUSH, el cual trata sobre la financiarización de la vivienda y se ha presentado en todo el mundo. Leilani es también co-conductora del podcast PUSHBACK Talks, que trata sobre el mismo tema.
Leilani Farha - Global Director - The Shift
Leilani is the Global Director of The Shift, an international movement to secure the right to housing and the former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing (2014- 2020). The Shift was launched in 2017 with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and United Cities and Local Government and works with multi-level stakeholders around the world including with several city governments in North America and Europe.
Leilani’s work is animated by the principle that housing is a social good, not a commodity. She has helped develop global human rights standards on the right to housing, including through her topical reports on homelessness, the financialization of housing, informal settlements, rights based housing strategies, and the first UN Guidelines for the implementation of the right to housing. She is the central character in the award-winning documentary PUSH regarding the financialization of housing, directed by the Swedish filmmaker Fredrik Gertten. PUSH is screening around the world and to continue its momentum Leilani and Fredrik now co-host a podcast – PUSHBACK Talks - about finance, housing and human rights.
Facilitadora / Facilitator

Ariadna Godreau Aubert - Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico

Materiales / Materials